Ukko-Pekka Hr1 1009
Known as ”Ukko-Pekka”, this was the most powerful passenger type of steam engine to be used in Finland. It is the Finnish equivalent of the British ”Flying Scotsman”. A total of twenty-two were constructed by the Lokomo and Tampella workshops between 1937 and 1957 to meet the demand of heavier and faster expresses that were getting beyond the capacity of the earlier 4-6-0 passenger engines.
The two Ukko-Pekka prototypes (Nos.1001 and 1002), ordered by the Finnish State Railways from Lokomo of Tampere, were massive in comparison to older types of engine. Four more (Nos.1000/03/04/05) were added in 1939 and 1940, then a batch of six (Nos.1006-11) in 1948 and 1949, and eight others (Nos.1012-19) in 1955. The final two (Nos.1020-21), built in 1957, were fitted with roller-bearings and represented advanced steam locomotive technology.
The twenty-two Pacifics formed the backbone of motive power serving the heavy rail tracks in southern Finland until 1963 when they were gradually replaced by diesels. Two of the Ukko-Pekka Pacifics are presently kept in working condition in this country, No.1021 owned by Finnish State Railways, and our No.1009.
No.1009 is representative of production during shortages in the aftermath of the war, it’s number plates and cab numbers being aluminium instead of brass. In every other way the engine is typical of its class. The engine was restored to working order and passed for mainline running in 1993 when under the ownership of Nigel Sill from London who financed and directed the undertaking. The maiden passenger journey took place on 22 May 1993 – a return working from Pieksämäki to Joensuu. No.1009 is presently stabled in Kouvola.
Video Copyrigt: Kari Nuolinko.
Max permitted speed: 110 km/h
Manufacturer: Lokomo
Year of construction: 1948
Length over buffers 22.15 metres
Weight 155 tonnes
Power 1591 hp
Wheel arrangement 4-6-2 (Pacific)
Driving wheels 1900 mm diameter
Superheated temperature 350 degrees C
Coal capacity 9 tonnes
Water capacity 27 m3
Saloon and restaurant cars
Three former Helsinki wooden suburban coaches were transhipped to England in 1990 for complete refurbishment. The undertaking was completed in September 1996 before return to Finland in the November. The vehicles were modified internally and externally, resulting in three elegant vehicles:
63-seater country restaurant/bar car
63-seater mahogany restaurant/bar car
48-seater Ukko-Pekka saloon car
The restaurant/bar cars are fitted with serving counter and storage space. Meals can be prepared in an accompanying vehicle equipped with six refridgerators for customer use, and a 45 kW generator for the electric supply and heating. The electric heating also makes the train usable in winter.
The locomotive and coaches are operated and marketted by Höyryveturimatkat 1009 Oy (Steam Locomotive Travel 1009 Ltd), an organization founded in 1994.
A steam locomotive for filming purposes
When a steam engine and its atmospheric effects are required for filming or advertising purposes, then our locomotive and coaches with Orient Express-style interior can be placed at your disposal. Filming within a stationery coach is another alternative, without the expense of a moving train.